Send us your material!


Logo COME ALL ALMA no text 640pxYou are about to be part of the COME-ALL Project! (Community Media Alliance)

Send us your media material, press releases, articles, essays, columns, and editorial. In the text, include all the links you want to promote your institutional website, cause, campaign, or specific webpage. For events, use the free COME-ALL Calendar, and share your activities with the Americas!

You can also add images to your post. Fill out the required  fields, press “Submit”, and share your message with the Americas!

Disclaimer: You are the sole owner of all material sent to us. By voluntarily submitting your content, you authorize InfoAmericas to publish it and distribute it in the form of newsletters, social media posts (mainly Facebook and Twitter), and email blasts to InfoAmericas’ subscribers, among other modes of communication. The COME-ALL Project is just a free-of-cost way to promote your organization, your message, and your activities. You are solely responsible for the content shared with us, and InfoAméricas is not liable under any circumstances for the truthfulness and veracity of your content. If you make corrections to your material after its submission, you are obligated to inform InfoAmericas of these corrections. InfoAmericas reserves the right to publish or not the content sent to us with no further explanation.


Send us your material! | ¡Envíanos tu material!
